Commander Demond Warfield
Meet Demond Warfield, the Commander of the Internal Affairs Division. Demond has extensive law enforcement experience and leads investigations into police corruption and official misconduct. Additionally, he oversees firearms and secondary weapons training within the department.
After graduating from high school, Demond continued the family tradition by enlisting in the military. After giving it much thought, he opted to join the most elite branch, the United States Marine Corps. Throughout his military career, Demond took on various roles, from serving as a basic rifleman to working as an analyst with a secret clearance to handle sensitive information. Additionally, he had the opportunity to experience combat with the Marines.
Upon receiving an honorable discharge from the Marines, Demond returned home and transitioned back to civilian life. Demond had known since he was a kid that he wanted to be in the public safety field. He then joined his local fire department and became a firefighter, obtaining his certification and becoming an emergency medical technician (EMT). After a few years there, Demond knew this was not the end of his public safety career, so he joined the Phoenix Police Department. After successfully graduating from the law enforcement academy, Demond quickly learned about the streets and all that came with policing. After gaining greater knowledge, Demond began to apply and rise through the ranks, achieving the current rank he holds today, Commander.